Wednesday, March 30, 2011

王沙、野峰遗作【电影(阿牛入城记) 】

王沙、野峰在新加坡娱乐天地、唱片界撞出一片天,过后还获得当年香港的导演罗马发现,罗致拍摄了两三部蛮叫好叫座香港的电影,讲述普罗民众在大城堡的际遇故事。其中邵氏電影「阿牛入城记The Crazy Bumpkins」更引起一阵轰动。「阿牛」片集不但在香港创下百万票房,更在东南亚一带打破李小龙的票房纪录。野峰也凭阿牛这个角色夺下1974第20届亚洲影展「优异滑稽男演员奖」,罗马更也将「优异喜剧策划导演奖」捧回家。羅馬、張揚合導的「阿牛入城记」以阿牛(野峰)這個大鄉里來到香港, 目睹香港低下層社會的光怪陸離, 有悲有喜,有血有淚。阿牛(野峰飾)生性戇直常常被人利用,周大叔(王沙飾)帶他做賭檔「睇水」,他以為是看著一桶水,大出洋相。阿牛做過很多工作,不時被壞份子利用,如幫人「捉黃雞」勒索、到城寨做「阿牛艷舞」等,但阿牛的天真純樸仍得到阿花的喜愛,反映傳統社會的善良信念:天無絕人之路。後來,阿牛到碼頭做苦力,工人罷工,他繼績工作,竟然被打,阿牛自衛釀成大騷動,被拉入獄。結局令人悲哀,卻反映編導的聰明之處,留下尾巴,讓關心阿牛命運的觀眾期待下集「阿牛出獄記」登場。取「阿牛」这个名字,本身就有他的含义所在。在大家的眼里,牛虽然笨,但是却是最勤快,最刻苦耐劳的。然而成天为了耕田而受尽日晒雨淋的牛大哥,永远也是在被主人利用,享受不到劳力换回来的成果。他只能默默耕耘,不会要取任何的回报,只求三餐温饱。这也就完全符合电影中主人翁的形象和性格。因此他不叫做「阿虎」,更不能取名叫或「阿龙」。 「The Crazy Bumpkins」is a bittersweet comedy about a simple hick who arrives in the big city to seek his fortune。It stars the popular Ya Fong as Ah Niu,who leaves his native village to live with an uncle in Hong Kong, not realizing he ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Koinonia - More Than A Feeling

Enjoy this lovely tune! If you would like to hear some more of Koinonia, you can request a song to be uploaded by adding a comment to one of my videos.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chariots of Eggs

We're chicken sitting for Ted and Eric. Yep, that's what we do for fun now that we're country bumpkins.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Big Chief Worthing 2007

Big Chief singing 'New York, New York' at the assembly Halls in Worthing in May 2007 during the Penguin Hockey Festival! Big Chief was tourirng with the Aysum Scrumpy Bumpkins!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Hidden Blade pt.1

During the time of change of the mid-19th Century, Yaichiro is bid farewell by his fellow samurai friends Munezo and Samon as he leaves their clan's fiefdom on the northwest coast of Japan (Unasaka) to take an important position within the shogunate in far away Edo. Munezo has lived modestly with his mother and sister Shino after his father was forced into suicide after the failure of a bridge project. Kie, a farm girl serves them as a maid in their house. As time passes, Munezo's sister marries Samon, his mother dies, Kie is married into a merchant family, and he is required to learn western methods of warfare such as the use of artillery and firearms from an official sent from Edo. Learning that Kie is ill due to abuse, he rescues her from her husband's family. Although sharing mutual affection and respect, a marriage between Munezo and Kie is still impossible due to different castes, and when he, now a bachelor, is criticized for her serving in his house, Munezo sends her back to her father's farm. After being caught in a failed political intrigue, Yaichiro is sent home in disgrace and imprisoned in solitary confinement. After Yaichiro escapes, Munezo is ordered to prove his innocence from complicity by killing his old friend, and he seeks the help of his old teacher, the sword master Kansai Toda. Although Yaichiro had been the better swordsman when they studied together, Toda entrusted the secret of the "Hidden Blade" only to Munezo. Toda now teaches him a new ...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bumkins Junior Bib How To and Overview

The Bumkins Junior Bib Collection * Made of Bumkins' proprietary waterproof fabric * Stain and odor resistant * Adjustable Velcro closure * Features catch-all pocket * Machine washable, hang dry * Measures 14.5" across, 14" from neck down, 17" sleeve to sleeve * Sized to fit 1 year - 3+ years * Lead Safe, PVC, BPA, Phthalate & Vinyl Free * Made in China About Bumkins Bumkins Brand Promise Bumkins Finer Baby Products is dedicated to providing distinctively designed, quality, family-oriented merchandise. Bumkins believes that products can be both practical and attractive, and strives to provide visually appealing, value-driven merchandise to our loyal customers. Adhering to the strictest safety standards of the juvenile products industry, Bumkins merchandise is only made from natural or non-toxic fabrics, such as organic cotton and their signature PVC, phthalate and BPA free waterproof material.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Wadadli Riders: Killer Wave

The Wadadli Riders, all the way from Antigua, perform their song "Killer Wave" at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach, on August 8th, 2010 as part of the big convention weekend.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bumkins Super Bib Details

Bumkins Super Bibs are lightweight, ultra durable and perfect for those messy mealtimes. Made with Bumkins' own unique waterproof fabric in a wide selection of fun prints. Each Bumkins Super Bib can be easily wiped and has a crumb catcher pocket too! Each Bumkins Super Bib can be wiped clean or machine washed. The Bumkins Super Bibs have a velcro closure so that you can adjust the bib as baby grows. Each Bumkins Super Bib is also stain and odor resistant. The Bumkins Super Bib has perfect coverage so that baby's shirt doesn't need to be changed after each meal. The different Bumkins prints are fun too! The Bumkins Bibs are made in the USA and are designed to provide excellent coverage. The Bumkins bibs are vinyl free and super cute. Bumkins is known for their amazing bibs! Each Bumkins bib is made with love and is perfect for messy meals, art sessions and more! The Bumkins bibs come in different types so you can match them to your child's needs. The Bumkins bibs are all machine washable and are super comfortable for baby and toddler. Your little one will love the fun prints of all the Bumkins bibs. The Bumkins bibs either tie or use velcro closure to insure your little one doesn't yank it off. We all know how much they LOVE to do that! The Bumkins bibs come in beautiful prints for boys and girls. The Bumkins make a great addition to gifts as well!